10046 10.2 10g 11.1 11.2 11g 12c 19c 2018 23727148 23c 2758371.1 9818995 abort accessed acfs acl active adaptive additional_agent.rsp addm add_months address admin_groups_width_limit adr adrci adrcli advice advisor agent agent10g agent11g alert.log allocation alter alter_quarantine alter_sql_plan_directive analyze analyzed analyzer annotations anonymous answers any apex_030200 apex_public_user application apply appqossys archive ash asm asmcmd aud$ audit audit_dest_file audit_file_dest auditing audit_trail auto_drop automatic autotrace awr aws background backup backups baseline baselines bdump bi bind block blockers blocking blocks buckets buffer bugs busy c## cache calibration cancel_tuning_task capture case catalog cdb cdb$root cdbs chaining change checkpoint class cloud cluster clusterware code column comments compact components comsumer concepts configure con_name console constraints consumer container context control controlfile cores corruption count counting cpat cpu cracker crash create create_acl createasrefreshablepdb create_capture created create_quarantine_by_sql_id create_quarantine_by_sql_text create_sqlset create_stat_table create_tuning_task crs ctxsys cursor +data data database datafile datafiles dataguard datapump date day db dba_advisor_log dba_audit_trail dba_col_privs dba_data_files dba_extents dba_hist_active_sess_history dba_hist_parameter dba_hist_snapshot dba_hist_sqlstat dba_hist_sqltext dba_indexes dba_objects dba_priv_captures dba_proxies dba_registry dba_role_privs dba_scheduler_credentials dba_sqlset_statements dba_sys_privs dba_tab_histograms dba_tables dba_tab_modifications dba_tab_privs dba_temp_free_space dba_unused_objprivs dba_unused_objprivs_path dba_unused_privs dba_unused_sysprivs dba_unused_sysprivs_path dba_unused_userprivs dba_unused_userprivs_path dba_used_objprivs dba_used_objprivs_path dba_used_privs dba_used_pubprivs dba_used_sysprivs dba_used_sysprivs_path dba_used_userprivs dba_used_userprivs_path dbbp dbca dbconsole db_developer_role db_flashback_log_dest db_flashback_log_dest_size dbid dblinks dbms_ dbms_advisor dbms_application dbms_application_info dbms_audit_mgmt dbms_auto_index.configure dbms_datapump dbms~_datapump dbms_dictionary_check

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