Show the High Water Mark for a Given Table
-- -- Show the High Water Mark for a given table, or all tables if ALL is specified for Table_Name. -- SET LINESIZE 300 SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SET VERIFY OFF DECLARE CURSOR cu_tables IS SELECT a.owner, a.table_name FROM all_tables a WHERE a.table_name = Decode(Upper('&&Table_Name'),'ALL',a.table_name,Upper('&&Table_Name')) AND a.owner = Upper('&&Table_Owner') AND a.partitioned='NO' AND a.logging='YES' order by table_name; op1 NUMBER; op2 NUMBER; op3 NUMBER; op4 NUMBER; op5 NUMBER; op6 NUMBER; op7 NUMBER; BEGIN Dbms_Output.Disable; Dbms_Output.Enable(1000000); Dbms_Output.Put_Line('TABLE UNUSED BLOCKS TOTAL BLOCKS HIGH WATER MARK'); Dbms_Output.Put_Line('------------------------------ --------------- --------------- ---------------'); FOR cur_rec IN cu_tables LOOP Dbms_Space.Unused_Space(cur_rec.owner,cur_rec.table_name,'TABLE',op1,op2,op3,op4,op5,op6,op7); Dbms_Output.Put_Line(RPad(cur_rec.table_name,30,' ') || LPad(op3,15,' ') || LPad(op1,15,' ') || LPad(Trunc(op1-op3-1),15,' ')); END LOOP; END; /
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