Script to Get User Permissions
The following script is a wrapper to a very slightly amened version of Pete Finningans great find all privs script.
The wrapper script allows you to run Pete's script for 1 user or many and directs the out put to a reports directory. This is useful for providing GDPR users the ability to get permissions for application and system users.
In order to run this script place both scripts in a directory of your choising. Update the SDS_APP_BUILD variable in the script with the directory location of the script.
Ensure your .profile has the correct Oracle variables. Oracle home and base etc.
As with most of the KSH scripts on this site, run it with a -h parameter for details on how to run the script.
# Script : get_user_privs.ksh
# Date : 12th Jan 2011
# Author : Mark Ramsay
# Copyright: 2011
# Description : Get User Privs for ALL Users in a given Database
# Parameters : Run the script with -h for details.
# History Date Name Reason
# ---- ---- ------
# dd/mm/yy xxx yyyyyyy
# Set environment variables
SDS_APP_BUILD=<insert script location>
echo "Update script location above and then remove this line and the exit below"
# Perform getopts loops
while getopts ":d:m:p:u:xh" opt;
case $opt in
x) set -x;;
h) echo "This script generates reports for all users in the specified Database or a single user."
echo "A report is created for each user and written to SDS_REPORT_DIR=${SDS_APP_BUILD_LOC}/REPORTS"
echo ""
echo "Command line options for $SDS_scriptname"
echo ""
echo "Mandatory Parameters"
echo "--------------------"
echo "-d <Source Database TNS name> -- Defines the TNS Entry of the Destination DB. Typically, this is the DB SID."
echo "-m <Source Database DBA account> -- Defines the Destination database master account. Typically, this will be dbmaster."
echo "-p <Source Database DBA password> -- Defines the Destination database master account password."
echo ""
echo "Optional Parameters"
echo "-------------------"
echo "-u <Username> -- Username(s) to be checked."
echo " If more than one user specified then they must be in quotes. e.g. "MyUser1 MyUser2"."
echo " If the username is not specified all users will be checked."
echo "Misc"
echo "----"
echo "-x -- Switch debug on"
echo "-h -- Display this help"
echo ""
exit 0;;
\?) errcheck 1;;
:) errcheck 2;;
# Parameters validation
# Check mandatory parameter SDS_RELEASE_DATE is set and set to a valid value
: ${SDS_DBNAME_SOURCE:?"$(echo -ne ${LGREEN})Mandatory parameter -d not specified. Try -h for help$(echo -e ${NORM})"}
: ${SDS_DBMAST_SOURCE:?"$(echo -ne ${LGREEN})Mandatory parameter -m not specified. Try -h for help$(echo -e ${NORM})"}
: ${SDS_DBMASTPASS_SOURCE:?"$(echo -ne ${LGREEN})Mandatory parameter -p not specified. Try -h for help$(echo -e ${NORM})"}
if [ -z ${SDS_USERS} ]
set hea off
set pages 0
set lines 100
set trimspool on
set feedback off
select username from dba_users where username not in ('X$NULL')
for f in ${SDS_USERS}
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- WWW.PETEFINNIGAN.COM LIMITED -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Script Name : find_all_privs.sql -- Author : Pete Finnigan -- Date : June 2003 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Description : Use this script to find which privileges have been granted to a -- particular user. This scripts lists ROLES, SYSTEM privileges -- and object privileges granted to a user. If a ROLE is found -- then it is checked recursively. -- -- The output can be directed to either the screen via dbms_output -- or to a file via utl_file. The method is decided at run time -- by choosing either 'S' for screen or 'F' for File. If File is -- chosen then a filename and output directory are needed. The -- output directory needs to be enabled via utl_file_dir prior to -- 9iR2 and a directory object after. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Maintainer : Pete Finnigan ( -- Copyright : Copyright (C) 2004 Limited. All rights -- reserved. All registered trademarks are the property of their -- respective owners and are hereby acknowledged. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Usage : The script provided here is available free. You can do anything -- you want with it commercial or non commercial as long as the -- copyrights and this notice are not removed or edited in any way. -- The scripts cannot be posted / published / hosted or whatever -- anywhere else except at -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- To Do : -- 1 - add proxy connection authorities -- 2 - add SELECT ANY TABLE and SELECT ANY DICTIONARY access -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Version History -- =============== -- -- Who version Date Description -- === ======= ====== ====================== -- P.Finnigan 1.0 Jun 2003 First Issue. -- P.Finnigan 1.1 Jun 2003 Output to file added. -- P.Finnigan 1.2 Jan 2004 Corrected exit/exists bug in 'whenever'. -- N.Dunbar 1.3 Jan 2004 Added real TAB characters and uppercased -- user input for username and output method. -- P.Finnigan 1.4 Feb 2004 Clarified use of utl_file for 9ir2. -- P.Finnigan 1.5 Feb 2004 Added the owner to output for object privs -- (Thanks to Guy Dallaire for this addition) -- P.Finnigan 1.6 Oct 2004 Changed output to include title in line -- with other reports in the toolkit. Also added -- usage notes. -- P.Finnigan 1.7 Apr 2005 Added whenever sqlerror continue to stop -- subsequent errors barfing SQL*Plus. Thanks -- to Norman Dunbar for the update. -- M.Ramsay 1.8 July 2018 Changed the location of the output to make compatible -- with the wrapper script -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- whenever sqlerror exit rollback set feed on set head on set arraysize 1 set space 1 set verify off set pages 25 set lines 100 set termout on set serveroutput on size 1000000 undefine user_to_find undefine output_method undefine file_name undefine output_dir set feed off col system_date noprint new_value val_system_date select to_char(sysdate,'Dy Mon dd hh24:mi:ss yyyy') system_date from sys.dual; set feed on prompt find_all_privs: Release - Production on &val_system_date prompt Copyright (c) 2004 Limited. All rights reserved. prompt define 1 define 2 spool REPORTS/&2/find_privs_&1..txt define user_to_find=&1 define output_method=S define file_name=priv.lst define output_dir=/tmp --accept user_to_find char prompt 'NAME OF USER TO CHECK [ORCL]: ' default ORCL --accept output_method char prompt 'OUTPUT METHOD Screen/File [S]: ' default S --accept file_name char prompt 'FILE NAME FOR OUTPUT [priv.lst]: ' default priv.lst --accept output_dir char prompt 'OUTPUT DIRECTORY [DIRECTORY or file (/tmp)]: ' default /tmp prompt declare -- lv_tabs number:=0; lg_fptr utl_file.file_type; lv_file_or_screen varchar2(1):='S'; -- procedure open_file (pv_file_name in varchar2, pv_dir_name in varchar2) is begin lg_fptr:=utl_file.fopen(pv_dir_name,pv_file_name,'A'); exception when utl_file.invalid_path then dbms_output.put_line('invalid path'); when utl_file.invalid_mode then dbms_output.put_line('invalid mode'); when utl_file.invalid_filehandle then dbms_output.put_line('invalid filehandle'); when utl_file.invalid_operation then dbms_output.put_line('invalid operation'); when utl_file.read_error then dbms_output.put_line('read error'); when utl_file.write_error then dbms_output.put_line('write error'); when utl_file.internal_error then dbms_output.put_line('internal error'); when others then dbms_output.put_line('ERROR (open_file) => '||sqlcode); dbms_output.put_line('MSG (open_file) => '||sqlerrm); end open_file; -- procedure close_file is begin utl_file.fclose(lg_fptr); exception when utl_file.invalid_path then dbms_output.put_line('invalid path'); when utl_file.invalid_mode then dbms_output.put_line('invalid mode'); when utl_file.invalid_filehandle then dbms_output.put_line('invalid filehandle'); when utl_file.invalid_operation then dbms_output.put_line('invalid operation'); when utl_file.read_error then dbms_output.put_line('read error'); when utl_file.write_error then dbms_output.put_line('write error'); when utl_file.internal_error then dbms_output.put_line('internal error'); when others then dbms_output.put_line('ERROR (close_file) => '||sqlcode); dbms_output.put_line('MSG (close_file) => '||sqlerrm); end close_file; -- procedure write_op (pv_str in varchar2) is begin if lv_file_or_screen='S' then dbms_output.put_line(pv_str); else utl_file.put_line(lg_fptr,pv_str); end if; exception when utl_file.invalid_path then dbms_output.put_line('invalid path'); when utl_file.invalid_mode then dbms_output.put_line('invalid mode'); when utl_file.invalid_filehandle then dbms_output.put_line('invalid filehandle'); when utl_file.invalid_operation then dbms_output.put_line('invalid operation'); when utl_file.read_error then dbms_output.put_line('read error'); when utl_file.write_error then dbms_output.put_line('write error'); when utl_file.internal_error then dbms_output.put_line('internal error'); when others then dbms_output.put_line('ERROR (write_op) => '||sqlcode); dbms_output.put_line('MSG (write_op) => '||sqlerrm); end write_op; -- procedure get_privs (pv_grantee in varchar2,lv_tabstop in out number) is -- lv_tab varchar2(50):=''; lv_loop number; -- cursor c_main (cp_grantee in varchar2) is select 'ROLE' typ, grantee grantee, granted_role priv, admin_option ad, '--' tabnm, '--' colnm, '--' owner from dba_role_privs where grantee=cp_grantee union select 'SYSTEM' typ, grantee grantee, privilege priv, admin_option ad, '--' tabnm, '--' colnm, '--' owner from dba_sys_privs where grantee=cp_grantee union select 'TABLE' typ, grantee grantee, privilege priv, grantable ad, table_name tabnm, '--' colnm, owner owner from dba_tab_privs where grantee=cp_grantee union select 'COLUMN' typ, grantee grantee, privilege priv, grantable ad, table_name tabnm, column_name colnm, owner owner from dba_col_privs where grantee=cp_grantee order by 1; begin lv_tabstop:=lv_tabstop+1; for lv_loop in 1..lv_tabstop loop lv_tab:=lv_tab||chr(9); end loop; for lv_main in c_main(pv_grantee) loop if lv_main.typ='ROLE' then write_op(lv_tab||'ROLE => ' ||lv_main.priv||' which contains =>'); get_privs(lv_main.priv,lv_tabstop); elsif lv_main.typ='SYSTEM' then write_op(lv_tab||'SYS PRIV => ' ||lv_main.priv ||' grantable => '||; elsif lv_main.typ='TABLE' then write_op(lv_tab||'TABLE PRIV => ' ||lv_main.priv ||' object => ' ||lv_main.owner||'.'||lv_main.tabnm ||' grantable => '||; elsif lv_main.typ='COLUMN' then write_op(lv_tab||'COL PRIV => ' ||lv_main.priv ||' object => '||lv_main.tabnm ||' column_name => ' ||lv_main.owner||'.'||lv_main.colnm ||' grantable => '||; end if; end loop; lv_tabstop:=lv_tabstop-1; lv_tab:=''; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('ERROR (get_privs) => '||sqlcode); dbms_output.put_line('MSG (get_privs) => '||sqlerrm); end get_privs; begin lv_file_or_screen:= upper('&&output_method'); if lv_file_or_screen='F' then open_file('&&file_name','&&output_dir'); end if; write_op('User => '||upper('&&user_to_find')||' has been granted the following privileges'); write_op('===================================================================='); get_privs(upper('&&user_to_find'),lv_tabs); if lv_file_or_screen='F' then close_file; end if; exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('ERROR (main) => '||sqlcode); dbms_output.put_line('MSG (main) => '||sqlerrm); end; / prompt For updates please visit prompt spool off whenever sqlerror continue quit