How to Use Datapump Over a Database Link

On the local database create link


        CONNECT TO MyRemoteDBUser IDENTIFIED BY MyRemoteDBUserPassword

        USING 'MtRemoteDBTNSEntry'
  • MyRemoteDBLink = Any name you like
  • MyRemoteDBUser=A user on the remote database that has permission to export
  • MyRemorteDBTNSEntry = A TNS Entry pointing to the remote database

Run the following command on the local host to Export the remote database to the local host

expdp system directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR LOGFILE=MyExpdp.log network_link=MyRemoteDBLink schemas=MyRemoteDBSchema1,MyRemoteDBSchema2

Run the following command on the local host to Import the dataump export file into the local database

impdp system directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR LOGFILE=MyImpdp.log schemas=MyRemoteDBSchema1,MyRemoteDBSchema2 exclude=STATISTICS
  • Alternatively, if you do not want to stage the export file on the local host you can run the following command from the local host
impdp system directory=DATA_PUMP_DIR LOGFILE=MyExpdp.log network_link=MyRemoteDBLink schemas=MyRemoteDBSchema1,MyRemoteDBSchema2
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