Background & Overview
This guide was originally written to explain how to install an 11g Grid Control agent manually as there was no clearly defined process on how to install an agent against an active/passive cluster via the Grid Control front-end. Some Metalink notes suggested that it was not possible. However, with help from Oracle support a process has been defined that allows for the installation of the agent via the Grid Control front-end. Instructions on how to do this can be found here.
The following details how to manually deploy a Grid Control Agent to a server configured to use a Virtual Hostname. For example, a Veritas Cluster running in an Active/Passive mode.
This guide details an install to an Oracle Enterprise Linux server.
If you wish to deploy a Grid Control Agent to a different platform, you will first need to download the Grid Control Agent Software from OTN.
Assumptions & Pre-Requisites
- That you do not want to receive My Oracle Support updates
- The server does not have direct access to the internet and instead uses a proxy server to speak with Oracle.
- The grid control front-end cannot be used to install the agent.
Useful Information
- Do not use this guide if installing the Agent against a standard host or RAC environment. Use this guide instead
- See Metalink article 406014.1 for more info.
- Known Issues
Step-By-Step Guide
1. Log onto the server where the agent is being installed.
2. Download the agent software from OTN into /u01/app/oracle/software
Gird Control Agent11g Linux Operating System (64bit) : 487,002,616 bytes; cksum - 1115658514
3. Unzip the agent software
- cd /u01/app/oracle/software
- unzip
4. Ensure the Virtual Hostname is configured on all nodes
- Log on to each node and run the following commands
- nslookup virtual hostname
- This should return the virtual IP address and fully qualified hostname
- nslookup virtual IP
- This should return the virtual IP address and fully qualified hostname
5. Configure the additional_agent.rsp file
- cd /u01/app/oracle/software/linux_x64/response
- cp additional_agent.rsp additional_agent.bck
- Edit the additional_agent.rsp and set the relevant variables
- PROXY_USER=valid userid
- PROXY_PWD=valid password
- PROXY_PORT=proxy port
- OMS_HOST=oms hostname
- OMS_PORT=4889
- The items in blue will be specific to each individual site.
- The ORACLE_AGENT_HOME_LOCATION is really the AGENT_BASE directory. Specifying /u01/app/oracle for the
- ORACLE_AGENT_HOME_LOCATION will result in the agent binaries being installed in /u01/app/oracle/agent11g
6. Change the permissions on all of the agent binaries
- cd /u01/app/oracle/software/linux_x64
- chmod -R 744 *
See Known Issues below.
7. Run the installer in silent mode
- cd /u01/app/oracle/software/linux_x64/agent
- ./runInstaller -silent -responseFile /u01/app/oracle/software/linux_x64/response/additional_agent.rsp ORACLE_HOSTNAME=virtual hostname
- The install must be done in silent mode. GUI mode is no longer supported for 11g Agent installs.
- ORACLE_HOSTNAME must be set to a valid Virtual Hostname.
8. Shutdown the Agent
- cd /u01/app/oracle/agent11g/bin
- ./emctl stop agent
9. Update the files
- cd /u01/app/oracle/agent11g/sysman/config
- cp
- Change AgentListenOnAllNICs=TRUE to AgentListenOnAllNICs=FALSE
10. Get a UNIX Administrator to run the script on each host where the agent was deployed.
- cd /u01/app/oracle/agent11g
- ./
11. Start the Grid Agent
- cd /u01/app/oracle/agent11g/bin
- ./emctl start agent
Known Issues
Files in the Linux_x64 build have the wrong permissions set.
After unzipping the binaries for a Linux_x64 build results in all of the files have the wrong file permissions set.
- cd /u01/app/oracle/software/linux_x64
- chmod -R 644 *