Creating a Custom Password Function

Create a Custom Password Function - Example

        p_verify_function_name => 'MyPasswordFunction', 
        p_min_length           => 15, 
        p_min_uppercase        => 1, 
        p_min_digits           => 2, 
        p_min_special          => 1,
        p_disallow_at_sign     => true);

Valid Parameters

Parameter Name Data Type Default Required Description
p_verify_function_name varchar2 n/a Required The name for your custom function. This function is created for you in the SYS schema. You assign this function to user profiles.
p_min_length number 8 Optional The minimum number of characters required.
p_max_length number 256 Optional The maximum number of characters allowed.
p_min_letters number 1 Optional The minimum number of letters required.
p_min_uppercase number 0 Optional The minimum number of uppercase letters required.
p_min_lowercase number 0 Optional The minimum number of lowercase letters required.
p_min_digits number 1 Optional The minimum number of digits required.
p_min_special number 0 Optional The minimum number of special characters required.
p_min_different_chars number 3 Optional The minimum number of different characters required between the old and new password.
p_disallow_username boolean true Optional Set to true to disallow the username in the password.
p_disallow_reverse boolean true Optional Set to true to disallow the reverse of the username in the password.
p_disallow_db_name boolean true Optional Set to true to disallow the database or server name in the password.
p_disallow_simple_strings boolean true Optional Set to true to disallow simple strings as the password.
p_disallow_whitespace boolean false Optional Set to true to disallow white space characters in the password.
p_disallow_at_sign boolean false Optional Set to true to disallow the @ character in the password.
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