Adding and Removing Supplemental Logging in AWS RDS


To add supplemental logging in AWS RDS you can use the following package


This package has the following parameters

Parameter Name Data Type Default Required Values
p_action varchar2 n/a Yes ADD or DROP
p_type varchar2 null No ALL, FOREIGN KEY, PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE

Adding Supplmental Logging

-- Adding supplemental logging.
-- On AWS RDS you do not have access to the server or to a proper SYSDBA account.  
-- As a result you are defendant on lots of AWS RDS packages.
-- Or in some instances, you need to find new ways of achieving the same thing
exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.alter_supplemental_logging(p_action => 'ADD');

Dropping Supplmental Logging

-- Dropping supplemental logging.
-- On AWS RDS you do not have access to the server or to a proper SYSDBA account.  
-- As a result you are defendant on lots of AWS RDS packages.
-- Or in some instances, you need to find new ways of achieving the same thing
exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.alter_supplemental_logging(p_action => 'DROP');

Adding Supplmental Logging for Primary Keys

-- Adding supplemental logging for Primary Keys
-- On AWS RDS you do not have access to the server or to a proper SYSDBA account.  
-- As a result you are defendant on lots of AWS RDS packages.
-- Or in some instances, you need to find new ways of achieving the same thing
exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.alter_supplemental_logging(p_action => 'ADD', p_type='PRIMARY KEY');

Adding Supplmental Logging for All Fixed Length Maximum Size Columns

-- Adding supplemental logging  for All Fixed Length Maximum Size Columns
-- On AWS RDS you do not have access to the server or to a proper SYSDBA account.  
-- As a result you are defendant on lots of AWS RDS packages.
-- Or in some instances, you need to find new ways of achieving the same thing
exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.alter_supplemental_logging(p_action => 'ADD', p_type='ALL');

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