I was asked to investigate an issue on a system the other day that was generating a lot of buffer busy waits. One query saw half its time spent waiting on a buffer busy wait. This article explains how it was investigated.
1. Work out what type of buffer busy waits we are seeing.
SELECT event, p1, p1text, p2text, p2, p3text, p3, COUNT (*) FROM dba_hist_active_sess_history WHERE sql_id = '&MySQLID' AND sample_time BETWEEN TO_DATE ('2022-11-25 17:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') AND TO_DATE ('2022-11-25 18:15:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') GROUP BY event, p1, p1text, p2text, p2, p3text, p3 ORDER BY 8 DESC

2. identify the File
Form the output above we can see that p1 gives us 201 for file#
3. identify the block type
From the output in step 1 we see that p2 (bliock#) is 2 and p3 (class#) is 13.
So, what is going on? What is file# 201? What is block 2 and what is block class 13 and why so many "Buffer Busy Waits"?
Well, I was given a few hints when I asked for a few more details on the process running. I was told there was a job that had 48 parallel processes that consumed a lot of temp space. So much, that it failed with the standard ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment…. Temp was extended and the job restarted. When it ran the second time, we saw a lot of buffer busy waits.
Firstly, its important to remember how temp files get their p1 value. Temp gets a P1 value based on the file# from v$tempfile + the value of parameter db_files. (In this case the default of 200). hence, 1+200=201
So, we now know the file involved is Temp.
Now we need to find out what a block class# of 13 is.
A useful query I picked up from Tanel Poder ( shows us that block class 13 is a file header block.
So now we are getting somewhere…
What all this is telling us, is that the LMT bitmap file header (thats block 2 in a LMT tablespace) is getting a large number of buffer busy waits when a parallel process is consuming a lot of temp space.
Or in other words, we have a lot of parallel threads all trying to extend temp at the same time and blocking on block 2 of the temp file.
Published 28th November 2022